An Orcadian Odyssey: A Memoir View larger

An Orcadian Odyssey: A Memoir (PB)


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A Memoir by Bryce Wilson.


Hardback version available here

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£ 15.99

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Collins dictionary describes an odyssey as 'a series of wanderings'. In  this delightful, humorous, warm book Bryce describes not only his wandering the globe from Arctic Canada to Brunei but also his wandering through early memories of childhood.

He begins in his native Stromness from where we follow his career and importantly, his change of career, from art teacher to museum curator which brought him into a completely different, though related, world of archaeology, natural history, emigration and trade.

In this interesting book Bryce makes full use of his art skills in the beautiful illustrations which accompany the tales. I loved the homely, simple style of the script which makes it a great pleasure to read and I recommend the Odyssey thoroughly

By Gregor Lamb.

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