These intriguing stories, told by Tom Muir, brought to life with charming illustrations by Sheila Faichney, will be enjoyed by readers time and again.
With a selection of images of Orkney beaches. 3 months to view. 30 x 21cm.
An intriguing snapshot of crofting life in the county 130 years ago through evidence given to, what became known as, the Napier Commission, set up by the government to probe the plight of crofters in the Highlands and Islands. By William P.L. Thomson. Hardback.
A Further Portrait of deserted Orkney buildings. Photographs of peaceful places and structures by Keith Allardyce. Colour and texture, light and shade combine to snatch beauty from 'ruckles o' auld stanes,' and slowly mouldering interiors. Glimpses of past lives are preserved, their tales save from oblivion by the historian and writer, Tom Muir. Paperback.
A true people's digest to be read and enjoyed by Orcadians, and lovers of the Orkney Islands, wherever they may be around the world. Compiled by Howard Hazell. Large format hardback.
This volume looks at the Orkney Mainland airfields, airports and landing strips. An Airfield Focus special, by Peter V Clegg. A4 paperback, spiral-bound.
Alan Bichan's latest Orkney cookbook - offering meals celebrating festivals and traditions throughout the Four Season cycle. Hardback.
The only medieval chronicle to have Orkney as the central place of action - covering an era when the islands were a major part of the Viking world.
Window Sticker with the wording 'I'd rather be in Orkney' and a silhouette of the Standing Stones of Stenness.
Involving kings and pirates, saints and witches, scrums, seaweed and sea planes, palaces and a garden folly. The booklet gives a brief account of Kirkwall's past in the form of a walking tour - starting by the Kiln Corner, by the harbour. This is the new and updated 2020 edition. By Kim Twatt.