In the first half of the 19th century, thousands of women and girls were employed throughout Orkney plaiting straw. 'The Strawplaiters of Orkney' reveals the forgotten history of the working lives of women and girls in the islands. By Fiona Grahame. Paperback.
Selected works of 'Countrywoman' Bessie Skea. George Mackay Brown Fellowship. Paperback.
..sets out the context and issues that make the Fair Isle case-study such a compelling one, and attempts to capture and convey what drives this community's determination to protect Fair Isle waters. By Nick J Riddiford and Kerri Whiteside. Paperback booklet.
Rare wool, wild isles & one woman's journey to save Scotland's original sheep. The story of the remarkable little horned sheep known as the Orkney Boreray... By Jane Cooper. Hardback.
Tales of Orkney life created and related by John Brooke to his two young children, Nicholas and Catherine, on the long winter nights during his time as doctor to the Island of Shapinsay. (1994-2000). By John Brooke. Paperback.
Ruminations of a drystone dyker and other dreams. By Jerry Wood. Hardback.
Life on a small Orkney Island. By Kirsty Sinclair. Large paperback with colour photos throughout.
A manual to the art of Cassie sea defence wall building on the island of Papay. Printed in colour and black and white with fold out scans of Cassie Walls on Papay. By Dr Saoirse Higgins. Paperback booklet.
Papay words and place names. 'Papay - An island wae wirds in hids belly'. A Papay Community Association Production. Paperback booklet.
Susan was always a bit of a nomad... she has now landed in Orkney. Will she settle? September 1944 and the war in Europe is stuttering on... Wren 94167, Mary Walker, is posted to Scapa Flow, Orkney, where there is bacon and eggs a-plenty... she is a wireless telegraphist and enjoys a busy social life. However, she still finds time to write home and tell...
Tales, tactics and top flies for loch trout. Through his articles in Trout and Salmon magazine Scottish International flyfisher Stan Headley, with intelligence and wit takes us to the great loughs of Ireland, the wild waters of the Western Isles, of Orkney and the north of Scotland, and fertile lowland lakes like Loch Leven. By Stan Headley. Hardback.