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Views sought on flexible bus services

A consultation is under way into the potential for greater on demand bus services in Orkney, which would use vehicles similar in size to those in the Dial-a-Bus fleet.

Would you like to see more flexible on demand bus services operating in Orkney?

This is the question being posed by Orkney Islands Council’s transportation service, as it launches a consultation on the matter.

Flexible on demand bus services or demand responsive transport (DRT) services typically operate in local areas where there are few or no conventional bus services.

The exact route and stopping points are usually flexible. Journeys are booked and arranged in advance. Some on demand services are only for specific groups of people in the community, such as elderly and disabled.

The purpose of the review is to consider ways to potentially expand existing services so that they are available to the wider community and identify where gaps may exist in specific areas.

Respondents are being asked their views on whether they’d consider using a flexible on demand service in their area and how it may help them to access key services or reduce car use and travel more sustainably.

The survey is available online at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/busflexi/.  Paper copies are also available on request from the Transportation Service.

A separate paper survey has been made available to existing users of the Dial a Bus Service, Hamnavoe Carers and Marengo Bus.

The outcome of the surveys will form part of a report to the development and infrastructure committee regarding the Community Transport funding for 2023/24 financial year and beyond.

Both surveys will run until Sunday, August 7. Should you need assistance to complete the survey, you can contact the transportation service on 01856 873535 or email transport@orkney.gov.uk