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Orkney creeps to top spot for paranormal activity sightings

Orkney is often ranked as one of the best places to live in the UK — but is it also one of the spookiest?

The county has been crowned the nation’s creepiest community in a new scoreboard rating alleged paranormal sightings nationwide. 

Trawling through the Paranormal Database, bookmakers’ guide Casino.org has ranked the parts of the UK that are most prone to such unearthly encounter — just in time for Hallowe’en.

Giving 532/1 odds of spotting something otherworldly in Orkney, ghost hunters and spook spotters have the best chance of encountering paranormal activity in our county, compared with any other part of the UK. Other island communities including the  Outer Hebrides and Shetland also place high on the bone-chilling charts. 

From the Scapasaurus to the Horse o’ Hillaroo, the database digs up 42 tales and alleged sightings from throughout the county’s lesser-known history and folklore.