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Flag flies over School Place to mark VJ Day

The union flag is flying over the Orkney Islands Council offices in Kirkwall today to mark the ending of the Second World War, three quarters of a century ago.

The conflict with Japan came to an end on August 15, 1945. The 75th anniversary is an opportunity to remember the sacrifice of all those who served in the Far East and played their part in bringing the war to a close.

Orkney Islands Council convener, Councillor Harvey Johnston said: “We will commemorate lives lost on both sides and also reflect on the considerable impact on local families — those that lost loved ones and those to whom loved ones returned after this terrible conflict so far from home.

“The anniversary is also a time for reflection on the period since the Second World War came to an end — our greater appreciation of cultural diversity and the many benefits of the international travel and trade 75 years of peace have made possible.”