
Cruise Arrivals


Emergency services drive home safety message

A powerful message will be driven home to local teenagers this week as the Safe Drive, Stay Alive event comes to Kirkwall Grammar School.

‘Safe Drive, Stay Alive, is a theatre education project exploring the circumstances and consequences of a road traffic collision.

A pre-prepared film is interspersed with the on-stage interjections of local faces from the emergency services describing from their experiences what attending and dealing with the aftermath of a road traffic collision is really like — from tending to casualties to breaking difficult news to loved ones.

The effect is hard-hitting and the intention is that those attending will take home a lifelong appreciation of the responsibility that comes with driving.

The event has been run annually in Orkney for a number of years now and for the first time an evening showing has been arranged, to which the general public are invited to attend.

The evening event takes place on Tuesday, September 18, between 7pm and 8pm at the Orkney Theatre in Kirkwall Grammar School — there is no charge for entry.