
Cruise Arrivals


Contract to build new nursery awarded

The council-run Willow Tree Nursery is currently housed within the old Papdale Halls of Residence.

Orkney Builders (Contractors) Ltd has been awarded the contract to build the new nursery at Orkney College with a successful bid of £2.65 million.

The 14-month project will see a new build nursery located next to the Orkney College campus.

The total project cost of £3.12million includes land and professional and statutory fees.

The council was successful in being awarded £1.68million from the Scottish Government as part of the Islands Programme for the build.

It is planned that works will begin on site in around four weeks.

Chairwoman of the education, housing and leisure committee, Councillor Gwenda Shearer, said: “I very much welcome news of the contract award — this is a vital service for the community and great news for a local company during these challenging times.”