
Cruise Arrivals


Can you make sure young Orkney voices get heard?

Would you like to stand as a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) for Orkney?

MSYPs listen to and recognise the issues that are most important to young people in every community across the country and ensure that decision-makers listen to their voices.  Orkney needs a new MSYP to amplify the voices of Orkney’s young people, championing the values of democracy, rights, diversity and inclusion.

Becoming an MSYP is a life changing experience. You will strive to improve the lives of Scotland’s young people, learn new skills, and meet other inspiring young people. You will become a leader, gain confidence, receive excellent training, and much more.

If you are aged 14-25 and want to find out more contact the Council’s Community Learning Officer Richard.smith@orkney.gov.uk

Nominations to put yourself forward as a candidate will be open until 2pm on November 11.

A briefing/training session will follow shortly after for all candidates on producing a manifesto and campaigning tips and support.

More information about what the role involves in next week’s edition of The Peedie Orcadian.