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Councillors support calls for greater autonomy for Orkney

Councillor Graham Sinclair.

An islands councillor’s quest for greater autonomy for Orkney received the support of fellow elected members today, Tuesday.

Last year, councillors passed a motion from Councillor Graham Sinclair considering whether Orkney could exercise self-determination if faced with further national or international constitutional changes, or decide if more autonomy might be beneficial for islanders.

It also asked the council to explore what engagement would be required to consider such opportunities with both the Westminster and Scottish Government.

While Councillor Sinclair has again stressed that the work isn’t a move towards independence for the county — as previously reported in the national and international media — his motion met with approval of the policy and resources committee today.

The committee agreed that a further report should come before the June meeting of the committee.

Full details in this week’s edition of The Orcadian.